All articles from Tuxera

Are you ready to fail?

From dropped batteries to system failures, embedded designs need solid power interruption testing. Reliability demands…

Tuxera’s Reliance Assure™ reaches new heights in safety-critical avionics with ScioTeq

Tuxera is the only independent power fail-safe file system provider certifiable for DO-178C DAL D environments.…

What is SMB and why does it matter for file sharing?

Workloads are becoming more data-intensive with every passing day thanks to big data analytics, machine learning,…

How to optimize metadata management in Linux file systems

Frequent commitsCommitting metadata too frequently protects your data but can reduce the lifespan of flash media due to…

Why open-source file systems aren’t always the best choice 

Open-source file systems offer benefits such as cost savings and flexibility, but they may not always be the optimal…


今回締結した新たな契約により、TuxeraはSMBテクノロジーとMicrosoft社のSMBライセンスを単一のソリューションとして提供できます。 フィンランド・ヘルシンキ – 2024年2月27日 –…